Butterfly Braided Headband | Cute Braids

You all know that our Bow Braid hairstyle tutorial is very popular, and it is about to get a huge boost when Lionsgate’s Catching Fire, the next movie in The Hunger Games series, comes out in November. Watch for our headband version of it to appear on Prim!

Last week, my 4th daughter wanted to put a butterfly in her hair using the Bow Braid concept as a base. So, we did it, and the hairstyle turned out adorable!

Butterfly Braided Headband | Cute BraidsI began with a Dutch Lace Braid Headband  across the head and then used the bow pull-through technique we taught in our Bow Braid Headband tutorial to create the butterfly.

Hair loops in this style are tough to maintain throughout the day, so feel free to use a good pomade and 1-2 bobby pins to help keep them in.

Up-close of Butterfly Braided Headband | Cute Braids

Up-close of Butterfly Braided Headband | Cute Braids

Portrait of young girl modeling Butterfly Braided Headband | Cute BraidsRecreate this hairstyle, and tag your own photos with #CGHButterflyHeadband on Instagram and Twitter! We will be reposting your photos this week!

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I can see this hairstyle as being perfect for a flower girl or in an Easter updo.

Be sure to watch the tutorial to the very end to see how my daughter’s classmates reacted to her butterfly headband when she wore this to school!  She is hilarious!  That, my friends, is CGH#4’s true personality!

Portrait of young girl modeling Butterfly Braided Headband | Cute Braids

Close-up of Butterfly Braided Headband | Cute Braids

Close-up of Butterfly Braided Headband | Cute BraidsItems Needed: Brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, 2 small hair elastics, 1 hair pin, 1-2 bobby pins, pomade, hairspray {if desired}.

Time Requirement: 3-5 minutes

Skill Level: Medium

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Begin by parting the hair from ear to ear, and gathering the back hair out of your way with a hair elastic… Next, create a Dutch lace braid from one ear to the other, finishing it off into a simple braid when you run out of hair… Now, release the hair in back and take a small strand of hair from the opposite side of the head, along with the simple braid you just finished, and secure them together back at the nape of the neck underneath the hair {this created a hidden tieback}… Then, identify which stitch of the Dutch braid you want to begin setting for your butterfly…. Using a hairpin, gently push it through under that one stitch of hair, on a diagonal upwards from right to left… Next,  pick up a tiny strand of hair from behind the braid and apply some pomade on it and comb it through… Then create a loop with that strand and feed it through the hairpin… Gently pull the hairpin back through that stitch, making sure you hold onto the loop you pushed though the hair pin with your index finger {as you do this, it will pull the new strand of hair through as well and create a nice hair loop}… Pull the pin all the way through until the loop on the top is larger than the loop on the bottom. Again, repeat Steps #5-9 only this time inserting the hairpin on a diagonal downwards from right to left… using a hairpin push it through that same stitch of hair on a diagonal nowfrom left to right. Now pick up a tiny piece of hair from behind the braid, create a loop, and feed it through the hairpin. Be sure to even out the loops, with the two loops on top being larger than the two loops on the bottom. This will create the butterfly look you desire {if you have any left over ends of hair, simply comb them into the main hair or bobby pin them down into the braid. Add hairspray {if desired}.

Please feel free to leave me a comment below letting us know what you think of this cute butterfly headband!  As always, if you loved this hairstyle, please feel free to share it!

Happy Hairdoing!

Mu twins uploaded a super cute “Halloween Pumpkins” video on YouTube. If you would like to see how to make the cutest little Jack O’Lanterns, please click below…

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