3 Easy Pencil Bun Ideas | Back-to-School Hairstyles

It is Back-to-School season, and on some days you will wear your hair down in the most perfect, gorgeous curls. But, later that afternoon, it will get hot in Math class! What can you do to cool down?

Pencil Buns | Back-to-School Hairstyles

Today we will show you how to create each of these three easy Pencil Buns!

All you need is a pencil, and any one of these bun ideas will work perfectly! This can be done on straight or curly hair, with layers, etc, and it will look equally as cute, too! Some choose to use pens to facilitate the hairstyle, and others use chopsticks… it is all up to you!

Pencil Buns | Back-to-School Hairstyles

I prefer to use curls as the base for these buns, simply because the added texture helps the style hold easier. Today I show you how to create them on straight hair, because I wanted you to see that they can be done.

Woman outside modeling Pencil Messy Buns | Back-to-School Hairstyles

Woman outside modeling Pencil Messy Buns | Back-to-School Hairstyles

Woman outside modeling Pencil Messy Buns | Back-to-School Hairstyles

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There is nothing new to these styles, as teachers and secretaries have been wearing them for decades. Asian cultures have been tying up hair with in styles like these for centuries longer.

It’s just that when you are in a pinch, and want to tie your hair up, what do you do? It is nice to have a few pencil bun ideas to choose from.

Then, as an added bonus…when you are done with it, simply pull out the bun, whip your head around a bit, and ejoy a few hours of subtle bouncy curls!

Items Needed: One “No. 2” pencil

Time Requirement: 30 seconds each

Skill Level: Easy

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Bun #1- Simple:

Woman outside modeling Pencil Messy Buns | Back-to-School Hairstyles

Begin by gathering all hair to the middle back of the head, like you would for a centered ponytail… Now begin to twist the hair and form it into a bun shape, as you normally would before placing in a hair elastic… When you run out of hair to twist around, take your pencil and push it into the right side of the bun, at an angle, towards your head… Then weave the pencil up and down, up and down, through the bun and out the far left side of the bun {this is what secures the bun in place, much like setting a safety pin}… Tuck in any loose ends, and you are done!

Bun #2 – Inverted:

Woman outside modeling Pencil Messy Buns | Back-to-School Hairstyles (Back)

Begin by gathering all the hair to the nape of the neck, like you would a low ponytail… Place the pencil on the left side of the ponytail… Wrap the hair over the pencil once {or twice, depending on the length of hair}… Now, twist the pencil upward until the point is pointing straight up… Then lift the end of the pencil upward which will force the point downward through the hair between the bun and head {be very careful not to scratch your scalp in this process}… As the bun is set, be sure the pencil doesn’t pop out in the hair beneath the bun… Tuck in any loose ends, and you are done!

Bun #3:

Profile of woman outside modeling Pencil Messy Buns | Back-to-School Hairstyles

Begin by gathering hair to the middle back of head, like you would in a centered ponytail… Twist and let it wrap around itself into a bun… Stick the pencil up through the bottom of the bun, and force it all the way through the bun, in an upward motion… When the pencil reaches the top of the bun lift up the back of the pencil, which will force  the point downward against your scalp… Push the pencil all the way down until it nearly comes out the bottom beneath the bun… Tuck in any loose ends, and you are done!

Please feel free to leave a comment below letting us know what you think of these three easy Pencil Bun Ideas!

Happy Hairstyling!

With school coming in just a few weeks, BrooklynAndBailey needed to go school shopping. I agreed that if they could pay for half the clothes, we would pay the other half! They have been working like crazy, babysitting and house sitting for neighbors, and the video below is the end result of their back-to-school shopping! {Several of the items are now sold out!}

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