Today’s hairstyle tutorial is another Daddy Do, done by Shaun! He will be continuing our Halloween Spooktorial series by teaching us how to create Pippi Longstocking Braids!
It’s been awhile since we’ve filmed a Daddy Do hairstyle tutorial, so Shaun is a little rusty! It was cute to watch him struggle a little with the elastics, the hardest part of hairstyling for him!
We’ve used these braids for years, and Shaun is always the one to get involved on these more decorative and wild hairstyles. He can get creative, finding the right structure that will hold while still being comfortable. For the braid rigidity, he uses about seven feet of 16 gauge wire, bent in half and twisted using a screwdriver and pliers. Why not use a hanger? Because the girls say that hanger wire hurts their heads. Shaun uses thinner gauged wire that he twists up instead, and girls no longer complain about the wire {the twists in the wire help grip the braids better, giving less slide}.
We categorize this hairstyle as a Daddy Do for two reasons. First, because you are using two simple 3-strand braids that anyone can do… even dads! Secondly, the men get to use guy tools in completing the hairstyle! LOL!
To see your own photo recreations of this style featured in our app, feel free to tag your photos on IG with: #CGHPippiBraids
I was literally laughing off camera when Shaun says “… this is part of our Spooktorial series, and this hairstyle is a little scary!” I love that he’s willing to do things like this when most men will not!
Items Needed: 16 gauge crafting wire, screwdriver, wire cutters, brush, rat-tail comb, spray bottle, 2 hair elastics, hairspray {if desired}.
Time Requirement: 5 minutes
Skill Level: Easy
Video Tutorial:
Step-By-Step Instructions:
Begin by parting the hair directly down the middle {temporarily securing one section out of the way for now}… Take a 7 ft section of 16 gauge wire, fold it in half, place a screwdriver through the middle of the bend, and with begin twisting the screwdriver while holding the wire ends with a pair of pliers {the twisting holds the hair better, and the wire is much more comfortable than hanger wire}… Now lay the midpoint of the wire on the top of middle of head, and have your daughter hold one the opposite side of the wire while you braid the first side… Separate the hair into three equal strands, making sure the wire is combined with the middle strand… Then, take the front strand {the one closest to the face} over the middle strand to begin the first stitch of your basic three strand braid and to cover most of the wire going into the braid… Continue braiding down until you run out of hair {you may choose to bend the wire a little with each stitch}… Clip the excess wire with a pair of wire cutters {carefully making sure you do not cut any hair in the process}, and then secure the ends with a hair elastic. Repeat Steps #4-7 on the other side of the head… Lastly, bend the wired braids up in a serpentine shape away from the head, just as you had imagined Pippi’s braids when you were young. Add hairspray or spray wax to tame fly aways {if desired}.Happy Hairdoing!
Please be sure to give this video a BIG if you loved it, and please do leave a comment below telling us how well you thought Shaun {and Kamri} did!
Did my little Rylan and the girls really get to meet Taylor Swift? Be sure to click and watch the Brooklyn and Bailey‘s latest blog below to see!