3 High-End Makeup Products That Aren’t Worth the Splurge

3 High-End Makeup Products That Aren't Worth It

Every time I go into Sephora, I kind of want everything. It’s all so beautiful and looks fantastic, which makes it super-easy to go over budget splurging on makeup!

As we’ve mentioned before, some high-end makeup products are worth the splurge, but unfortunately not all of those high-end products are worth the extra cash. For today’s post, I wanted to talk about several expensive beauty products that simply didn’t work for me.

Read on to learn about three high-end makeup products that went straight back to the store:

(Quick disclaimer: just because I’m telling you to avoid a product that you might already love doesn’t mean to stop purchasing it. It just didn’t work for me! Makeup is so subjective. As always, try something out! Who knows, it might work for you.)

Table of Contents

Benefit They’re Real! Push-Up LinerNARS Larger Than Life Lip GlossToo Faced Better Than False Lashes Lash Extension SystemWhat do you think?

Benefit They’re Real! Push-Up Liner

Benefit They're Real push up liner

$24 at Sephora

This new, innovative “gel” eyeliner was extremely hyped-up at the beginning of the year. I, like everyone else, was excited to try it!

However, after I purchased this product, I was a little confused about how to use it. So, I went online to Sephora’s website to look at the reviews, which normally help me figure out how to use products, and they were no help. For me, the product looked “chunky” on my eyelid, and at times, actually fell off. It only applied smoothly if I applied a little heat to the product with my hairdryer.

The other thing I found strange: on their website, Benefit claims that “81% said it was waterproof.” Isn’t a product supposed to be either waterproof or not? It’s not supposed to be waterproof for some people and not waterproof for others. That struck me as weird, and definitely contributed to me returning this product.

Because of all the hype surrounding this product, I do feel like I’m missing something. Let me know if I’m not alone with this one. Also, if you have any awesome tips for applying this product, share them with me!

NARS Larger Than Life Lip Gloss

Nars larger than life lipgloss

$26 at Sephora

Let me start this one off by saying I hate sticky lip gloss! If I close my lips and can feel them sticking together, then I am grossed out and want that gloss off my lips immediately. This lip gloss by NARS is like that, so I was super disappointed! The colors are beautiful, and NARS normally doesn’t disappoint, but this product just didn’t do it for me.

I also didn’t care for the brush on this lipgloss. It’s tiny. It looks like NARS accidentally used a child-size brush, and it doesn’t make the application smooth. It takes a while to apply this gloss correctly. Regardless of the pretty color range, I can’t justify the $26 price tag. I’d much rather buy several lower-priced lip glosses that I love!

Too Faced Better Than False Lashes Lash Extension System

Two faced better than false lashes lash extension system

$35 at Ulta

I received this product as a gift, so I definitely felt like I needed to give it a full go before deciding I didn’t like it. Too Faced makes amazing mascaras, so I thought that this one sounded perfect… at first. I love the look of false lashes, but there’s no way I’m putting those things on every day.

This mascara takes multiple steps to apply. First, you apply the mascara in the big gold tube, then you brush the nylon fibers in the white bottle over the mascara. After that, you apply another coat of the mascara in the gold tube over the nylon fibers, and then let it dry.

I don’t think this ever dried completely. It looks okay at best, and if you spend a ton of time on application, it can look better. However, it always looks clumpy, and it made my top and bottom lashes stick together. This mascara also flakes off, and takes FOREVER to remove… even with my Holy Grail Lancôme eye makeup remover. It’s just extremely sticky, and not comfortable to use, which made this mascara a miss for me.

What do you think?

What are some disappointing high-end makeup products you’ve tried? Have you tried any of these products? Would you like to see more posts like this? Remember to tell us your thoughts by leaving a comment!

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