My Acne Story, PLUS How to Banish Acne Scars & Regain Your Confidence This Fall (Sponsored)

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Nothing kills your confidence quite like severe acne. I know this firsthand.

Throughout high school, I struggled with severe cystic breakouts that had me bouncing around from dermatologist to dermatologist, trying every treatment under the sun, and stockpiling concealer like they were going to stop making it. When nothing worked, I finally turned to the harshest possible prescription remedy (the one with a million scary warnings about birth defects on the label). It was effective, but it only brought my breakouts down to a “normal” level — it didn’t get rid of them entirely, and I was still left with a face full of pockmarks and red scars. These took years to clear and left me feeling like I still had acne, even though my skin had cleared up.

I really wish that Banish had been around back then. It would have saved me so much struggle and misery.

Banish skincare is a brand founded by a girl like me — someone who struggled with horrible cystic breakouts and tried every treatment around with no success. Banish’s CEO Daisy (pictured above) gets what it’s like to live with severe acne, and her line of products reflects this.

Daisy shares her acne journey in the video below:

How I Started Banish SkincareHow I Started Banish SkincareWatch this video on YouTube

Daisy started the company to sell a Vitamin C serum she made herself to treat acne scars, and the rest is history — the company expanded like crazy and boasts fans in the hundreds of thousands!

Banish is all about helping people feeling comfortable in their own skin, positivity and spreading confidence. And their products are pretty awesome, as well.

Related reading: Preventing Acne in College: A CF Survival Guide

Table of Contents

About Banish’s ProductsComing Soon: A Banish Giveaway!Follow Banish on Social MediaHave you struggled with acne?

About Banish’s Products

Banish is well known for their Vitamin C serum and Banisher derma roller, which Banish recommends customers use together — they claim these products, in conjunction, will help treat acne and reduce the appearance of acne scars. According to Banish, the use of the Banish Oil (Vitamin c Serum) and Banisher combination helps with collagen building to fade the appearance of acne scars.

The Banisher derma roller, a must-have, boasts 540 0.5mm needles that, according to Banish, “create micro channels in the skin to maximize serum absorption and trigger a healing and collagen building response that helps to fade the scarring and even wrinkles, fine lines and pigmentation.”

The Banish Oil is a potent vitamin c serum made in small batches with fresh ingredients daily, with no artificial fragrance or colorants. Fun fact: The serum’s clear color means that the vitamin c in the serum is fresh and effective. According to Banish, darker colored serums can indicate that the vitamin c has oxidized, making it less effective. According to them, clear is better!

Banish also carries a whole host of other products, from serums to masks to moisturizers and more that Banish says help to treat and prevent active acne, all with tons of four and five star reviews!

Another thing to love about Banish is that their products are made with natural ingredients and are organic and cruelty free, made and shipped fresh daily from California. Banish is also involved with some awesome charities, so they’re a company you can truly feel good about ordering from.

Overall, Banish is a great option for any college student struggling with acne. When compared to the cost of doing what I did and hopping from dermatologist to dermatologist and paying hundreds for treatments and prescriptions (without any results, might I add), Banish is a no-brainer.

Coming Soon: A Banish Giveaway!

Good news! We’re teaming up with Banish for an awesome giveaway just for CF readers. All of the giveaway details will go live in a separate blog post later this week, so stay tuned.

Follow Banish on Social Media

For more on Banish, be sure to shop on their website! And for even more, get social with them on Instagram and Facebook.

Have you struggled with acne?

Can anyone else relate to my acne story? (I can’t be the only one who’s had this experience.) What has your acne journey been like? Tell us in the comments and know that you aren’t alone if you’re struggling!

Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Banish. The opinions, as always, are our own. For more information, please see our Disclosure page. The testimonials above are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Results may vary from person to person.

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