A Week of Hairstyle Ideas Perfect for Online Classes

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For many of us, it’s been a few weeks since social distancing laws went into effect and we switched to online learning.

While working from home can definitely allow for a more laid-back, comfy lifestyle, sometimes putting some time into getting yourself ready for the day can have a big effect on your mental health. It’s also just really fun to try out new looks!

With Zoom lectures and Skype meetings becoming the new norm, a great way to change up your look is by trying out new hairstyles.

Read on for a week’s worth of fun hairstyle ideas to practice while you social distance!

Table of Contents

Monday: French BraidTuesday: Fabric Maiden BraidsWednesday: FroHawkThursday: Tousled Half Up Double KnotFriday: Space BunsSaturday: Mod BeehiveSunday: Messy BunWould you try any of these hairstyle ideas?

Monday: French Braid

Start your week with a simple, straightforward style! (See tutorial on Cosmo’s website if you’re unfamiliar.)

This hairstyle is one that you probably learned to do in middle school — and now’s the time to resurrect it. Even on a Monday morning, a French braid is simple enough to do in 10-15 minutes.

Tuesday: Fabric Maiden Braids

You may have seen “maiden braid” tutorials before; a braid wrapped around the head. However, this tutorial from A Beautiful Mess incorporates a patterned scarf!

Wouldn’t this be a cute way to show up to your online class or hold your hair back while you try baking something?

This hairstyle idea can be a little more difficult than a basic braid because it must be attached to the head. But trust me, with a little practice it’s easier than it looks!

Wednesday: FroHawk

This hairstyle idea from All Things Hair is bold and a great way to make a statement, especially if you are rocking natural hair.

The great thing about this hairstyle idea is that you don’t have to shave part of your head. Instead, you’ll create this hairstyle using multiple hair elastics.

Thursday: Tousled Half Up Double Knot

As you work towards the weekend, why not try out a simple, more relaxed hairstyle idea that still looks like you spent some time doing it?

This half up double knot hairstyle can be created quickly, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be neat and perfect to look great.

Friday: Space Buns

It’s Friday! Celebrate by trying out this cute space buns look!

While this is definitely one of the more difficult hairstyle ideas in this post, it looks amazing and could also be done without the braids if you’re pressed for time!

Saturday: Mod Beehive

How fun is this tutorial from Seventeen? Since it’s Saturday and you probably don’t have any video calls to attend, why not spend some time trying to get the hang of this cute retro beehive?

Even if you don’t get the shape of the beehive quite right the first time around, no one will see it and you’ll have plenty of time to redo it.

Sunday: Messy Bun

The week is almost over, and you’ve been doing a great job trying new hairstyle ideas every day. Take a break from the more complicated styles and relax with a classic messy bun.

If you enjoyed this week of hairstyle ideas, you can continue to practice them the next week, or even try some new ones! By the time life returns to normal, you’ll have these ready to go!

Would you try any of these hairstyle ideas?

Which ones were your favorites? Let us know in the comments!

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