15 Coolest Jungle Braids Hairstyles for the Perfect Glam-Girl Look Read More » ">

15 Coolest Jungle Braids Hairstyles for the Perfect Glam-Girl Look

When it comes to traditional braiding hairstyles, the first things that come to our mind are box braids or cornrows. But apart from these popular braided hairstyles, there is another one that has captured the hearts of all the young ladies out there. Yes, we are talking about the glamorous jungle braids.

After hearing the word ‘jungle’, you must be thinking this style has something to do with messiness. Well, you are not totally wrong, but we would like to call it a hairstyle combined with mess and perfection. And it all lies in the technique.

Jungle braids are gradually gaining popularity among black women as these braids are visually appealing and provide a glamorous look with minimal effort. So if you are wondering how to do jungle braids, let’s start with a simple guide at first.


0.1 How to Do Jungle Braids at Home?1 Coolest Jungle Braids Hairstyles to Try Right Now!1.0.1 Classic Long1.0.2 Red Hair1.0.3 Burgundy Braids1.0.4 Purple Half Up1.0.5 Red Bob1.0.6 Curly Ends1.0.7 Black and Blonde1.0.8 High Ponytail1.0.9 Half Up Ponytail1.0.10 Top Bun1.0.11 Silver Hair1.0.12 Black Braids with Yellow Ends1.0.13 Long Pigtails1.0.14 Half Up Double Buns1.0.15 Half Up Bun1.1 Jungle Braids FAQs1.2 Final Words

How to Do Jungle Braids at Home?

If you are already a pro at doing box braids, then we believe jungle braids are not going to be a problem for you. The first thing you need is good quality pre-stretched braiding hair. You also need to ensure that your hair is moisturized, so use your favorite product for that purpose.

Now take your braiding hair and divide it into smaller pieces for ease of work. Once it’s done, create mini sections on your natural hair to start the braiding process. Don’t forget to use your favorite hair gel to keep everything nice and tidy.

With your first mini section, start doing a regular three-strand braid. You do not need to do much, just after a braided section has been created, start adding the pieces of braiding hair. The amount of braiding hair will depend on the size of braids you are willing to do.

Now start braiding and remember to tuck in your natural hair under your braiding hair. As you start creating the braided sections, it’s now time to pull out hair from both sides to create the jungle braid style. All you need to do is keep a braided section in between and pull out braiding hair from one side of the upper braided section.

Follow a right-left-right pattern and pull out your braiding hair as you braid down the length. If you think your hair is getting thinner as you go, don’t forget to add pieces of braiding hair. When the jungle braid is done, you can braid the hair at the end normally and twist it to secure the style.

Repeat the same process on the rest of your hair, and you will be left with beautiful jungle braids. You can choose your preferred length and make the braids long or short according to your wish.

Coolest Jungle Braids Hairstyles to Try Right Now!

When it comes to jungle braids, you can try out different hairstyles according to your mood and vibe. You can either keep your braids long and black or opt for colorful braiding hair to give yourself a sassy look. Here we have rounded up some of the best jungle braid hairstyles to make your hair styling session fun and versatile.

Classic Long

Classic Long Jungle Braids

The most popular hairstyle for your jungle braids is keeping them flowing like a princess. In this case the longer your hair is, the more fascinating it will look. For a classic look, you can choose black pre-stretched braiding hair.

This picture is an example of how gorgeous it looks when jungle braids are done using shiny, black hair that is long. The length is amazing and the shine of the hair requires no explanation. We love the pull-out pattern of the braids and recommend you try out this style if you are willing to go for an upgrade soon.

Red Hair

Raid Hair Jungle Braids

In recent times, many women have tried out red braiding hair for their box braids and cornrows to declare that they are here to rule the world. Red is a vibrant color when it comes to your hair as it reflects your boldness and passion. So trying out a red hair look very soon should be on your bucket list already.

You can take inspiration from this picture to get an idea of how your hairstyle is going to look with red braiding hair. It can be seen that her natural hair is black and beautifully sectioned in triangle shapes throughout the scalp. The red hair has been beautifully turned into jungle braids and is perfectly secured, giving her the utmost confidence to step outside with grace!

Burgundy Braids

Burgundy Braids

If you are not a fan of those long braids, then it’s always fine to go for a medium-length hairstyle. Because you can wear your hair just the way you like it, and a shorter look always gives you an extra dash of coolness. To make things more appealing, you can choose a classy hair color while picking your braiding hair.

For instance, this burgundy hair is so beautiful that it makes us want to try out this hairstyle right now. The jungle braids are perfectly done maintaining a pattern, and the ends are cut and secured properly, giving the hair a perfect medium length.

What we love about this entire style is the way the hair has been parted at one side. It gives it a medium bob appearance so lately if you have been thinking of turning your braided hair into a bob, take notes from this style.

Purple Half Up

Purple Half Up

Doing a half up hairstyle with your jungle braids is quite easy. You just need to grab a hair tie and take some of your hair to tie them up into a half up style. This is particularly suitable for medium-long to long hair as the style looks more defined on those lengths.

You can pick colorful braiding hair such as this purple one shown in the picture. If you notice carefully, the color is not too vibrant or too subtle, rather it is quite sophisticated for casual wear. Choosing colorful hair ties can also be a good option in this case.

Red Bob

Red Bob Jungle Braids

If you are thinking that jungle braids are meant to be for long and medium-length hair only and you can’t try them for shorter hairstyles, then we are here to tell you that you absolutely can! A bob hair look can be achieved with jungle braids, and the hair looks quite voluminous.

This red bob hair has been done with all-over jungle braids. As you can see, the braids are neat and precise in nature and they have been given a bob shape to meet the short hair needs. So if you’re wondering what hairstyle you can try out for summer, here is your short hair inspiration!

Curly Ends

Jungle Braids with Curly Ends

When it comes to jungle braids, you can follow different methods to secure the ends of your braids. We have talked about the three-strand braid and twist method above, but you can also make your braids look more elegant by curling the ends.

Take this medium jungle braid hairstyle as an example. You can see that the ends are not thin in nature, so the curls have given the hair more volume even at the end. Also, the blonde braiding hair is totally complimenting her style, so this can be an option for styling your jungle braids.

Black and Blonde

Black And Blonde

Combining two colors of braiding hair makes your style trendier. Especially if you use one dark and one light color, the light one works to create the effect of highlights. So in the case of jungle braids, you can easily choose such braiding hair to fulfill your dream of having highlights.

Just look at this picture to get a better idea of what we are trying to emphasize. Here, the braids have been made using black and blonde braiding hair, and they have been arranged in random order. The blonde braids are giving that highlight vibe while the black plays along beautifully.

You can also use other fancy color combinations such as pink and blonde or purple and blonde to create this look. Even combining other vibrant colors without the blonde can also be a great option.

High Ponytail

Jungle Braids High Ponytail

Once you braid your hair in a particular style, you can turn it into a ponytail, a bun, or an updo-the choice is yours and the styling options are infinite. The good news is doing these styles is not that difficult, so you don’t need to give much effort.

For instance, this high ponytail is so classy and totally recommended for formal and informal events. The length of the braids is flattering and the ponytail has been done wrapping the hair around. This style can be your go-to pick for any day, so why not try it out now?

Half Up Ponytail

Half Up Ponytail

Doing a ponytail with your hair doesn’t require much. But if you are not a fan of the regular ponytails and just want to do something extra, then we suggest you try out the half up ponytail style. It will be perfect for several occasions and you will definitely thank us for recommending this style.

This picture is an example of a half up ponytail. A ponytail has been done in the middle of her head using some of the jungle braids, whereas the rest of her hair is styled and set perfectly. We love that blonde hair because it complements the natural black hair quite well.

Top Bun

Top Bun Jungle Braids

Turning your entire hair into a top bun is a fun thing to do, especially because it is effortless. Whenever braids are turned into buns, the buns get a nice volume and look beautiful sitting on the top. For this reason, we always recommend doing a top bun with your braided hair.

This picture totally approves of our opinion. Look at the gorgeous bun sitting on the top all neat and tidy! The entire bun is made out of jungle braids, and the braids have been done using brown braiding hair. Also, the four pieces of braids right in the front have made this entire look more elegant.

Silver Hair

Silver Hair

Have we talked about a silver hairstyle before? Well, although it’s not a popular color when it comes to braided hair, it sure looks dazzling. So if you haven’t tried out silver braiding hair already, we suggest you give it a try and your hairstyle will speak for you.

Look at this intricate silver jungle braids hairstyle for example. The braids are not like typical small or medium braids, rather they look quite fuller because of the way the hair has been pulled out. Moreover, the simple style that has been done using the braids in the middle is giving us super cool girl vibes!

Black Braids with Yellow Ends

Black Braids with Yellow Ends

If long braids are your goal, then you can try something new like a dual-color approach to your braids. For this, the ends of your braids can have a different color compared to the rest of your hair, and vibrant colors are our recommendation.

Look at these black jungle braids with yellow ends. We cannot get enough of this hairstyle because the braids are beautifully done, and the ends are screaming baddie vibes. Also, her entire look matches the hairstyle, so this is going to be our new favorite for sure!

Long Pigtails

Long Pigtails

We have told you how to turn your jungle braids into a ponytail or a bun, so now it’s time to show you how you can make pigtails out of your braids. But for this, you need to make sure your hair is parted in the middle beforehand to achieve that perfect ponytail look. Also, don’t forget to create slayed edges at the front to make your style neat and precise.

These black jungle braids are so elegant to look at, and we love how cleverly they have been styled. Pigtails have been made on both sides using the braids, and two pieces of braids have been left out at the front to give it that classic touch. This is a must-try hairstyle for all the cute baddies out there!

Half Up Double Buns

Half Up Dubble Buns

Just like a single top bun or a ponytail, doing double buns with your jungle braids is also quite easy and doesn’t require much effort. Rather it can become your go-to hairstyle whenever you are running errands to give yourself a cutesy look in minutes.

For example, these are cute double buns that have been done using braids from both sides while keeping some of the braids at the back out. The buns are large and fuller in appearance, and the two pieces of braids at the front have completed the entire look.

Half Up Bun

Half Up Bun

You can also do a half up bun style with your braids, and the result will be fabulous. Just gather half of your braids from the upper side of your head to create a bun, and let the rest of your braids flow. It’s as easy as that.

If you want, you can do several types of braids on your scalp to give it a more gorgeous look. Make sure to keep everything neat and tidy for a beautiful outcome, and create slayed edges at the front to make it perfect.

Jungle Braids FAQs

How long can I keep my jungle braids?

Jungle braids last for 4 to 6 weeks, but you need to take proper care of your braids to make them last that long.

What type of hair is good for jungle braids?

Generally, kanekalon hair is considered to be the best hair for braiding. Make sure to choose pre-stretched braiding hair for your jungle braids to make your work easier. And if you do not want to go through all the hassle of braiding, you can also buy jungle braid hair extensions.

Are jungle braids worth the time and money?

Just like any other braiding style, jungle braids are definitely worth your time. The processing requires patience and proper skill, but once you see the outcomes, you will be vouching for your jungle braids for sure!

Final Words

Jungle braids are all in trend now, and you need to try out this hairstyle at least once to understand what the hype is all about. These braids are elegant, they are party-ready, and they are here to slay and stay while showcasing their elegance.

So the next time you visit the salon, we suggest you try out jungle braids. And if you’ve already got them, why not go for a color change and try out styles from our recommendation list? We’re sure you will end up falling in love with your jungle braids in no time! Moreover, a DIY session is also great if you have enough confidence to pull off a perfect jungle braid look.

Make sure to add a fun touch of colors and go big and bold. From blonde to neon, the options are infinite and so are your expectations. So try out jungle braids today and achieve a glam-girl look like never before!

Image Source: Pinterest,  Instagram

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